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Looking after ourselves

Re: Challenge of the day

Oh @TAB  sorry to hear that's what you've been thinking.  Please do try not to catch it - it's not inevitable in my opinion.  I care about you and don't want you to have to suffer it.

Re: Challenge of the day

I didnt mean that in a bad way @eth  and am not going out of my way to try and catch it, I just think its inevitable most people are going to get it re curve etc

thanks for caring and not everyone gets it in bad form from my understanding

Re: Challenge of the day


Today's challenge is to post about what you would choose for a new pet if you could choose and home anything? It's a pretty open challenge.



Re: Challenge of the day

Hey all

@TeejI would choose a wolf

The wolf spirit animal meaning in Native American mythology conveys strength and courage.


Re: Challenge of the day

well I would get a cat lol @Snowie @Teej  cos cats are cool ..Cat Happy

Re: Challenge of the day

Hi @Ant7 


If you are talking about the limits on what we can and can't do because of our new social rules - there was a learner driver who was out with her mother having a driving lesson and was pulled over and fined because the officer thought it she wasn't getting exercise and therefore breaking the rules


It's really hard to understand so much except stay inside when we can - but the fine was upheld - perhaps as an example -


I don't know how I feel about it - a 17 year old student getting a large fine seems harsh but yes - some people are not taking the social distancing seriously


Which is tough on everyone - but such a large fine - yes - really hard



Re: Challenge of the day

Me too @TAB  i’d Get a cat.🐯🐯

Re: Challenge of the day

I havent had a cat in years @Maggie  I move around too much well and or never know whats happening next

Re: Challenge of the day

Sorry challenger's I've been a bit distracted. I keep waiting for my new normal to hit and find a routine but alas it's still like my old normal with no routine 😳:face_with_rolling_eyes:.


Yesterdays challenge for me would be to get another kelpie x rescue dog. I'd love to get another and keep looking at the pet rescue page but alas it's not the right thing for me to do just now. While the virus has bought a bit more financial stability for a couple of reasons I know that my future isn't going to be and including another dog might get tricky. If it was just about love I'd adopt heaps of rescue dogs. 

The challenge of green for me bought up memories of places like Russell Falls in Tassie, parts of the great ocean road and the Seychelles where I've been lucky enough to travel. 

The colour one was a bit of fun because I have an obsession, verging on the edge of addiction with purple. So many of my favourite things are purple because I hunt them out. 

Re: Challenge of the day



Today's challenge is a bit harder for those in the northern areas. It's Autumn here where I am and the trees locally are changing. Can you see autumn trees near where you live? What is your favourite autumn leaf shape, colour, tree? If you don't have them in your area do you have a favourite? Where in the world would you like to visit to see autumn colour? 

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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