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Super complex partner is basically useless

My partner of 7 years has CPTSD, auDHD, anxiety, and is a victim of SA as a child. She is a trans woman, incredibly intelligent, a good person who just had a really unfair start to life.


I can see how all of these things absolutely cause her to have to fight to survive each day, and have a lot of empathy. 


She has 2 preteen kids who do nothing in our home. My kids can be slack ish but generally do what they're told after being asked once. 


I have to remind them 2-3 times to shower or brush their teeth. Most days they don't do it. They don't clean up after themselves, in the bathroom or the kitchen. My partner won't remind them of any of it, because she doesn't think of it unless I tell her. All that matters to all three of them is their screens. The arguments with one of my step son's to do basic chores are just bonkers.


Both step kids are autistic, one has recently been diagnosed with BPD and causes so much drama for the entire family. My partner is utterly incapable of giving reliable, trustworthy boundaries, and her ex partner is even worse (she also has BPD, is extremely volatile and narcissistic) so both step kids are struggling so much with regulation and trust, and have basically zero life skills. We have therapies in place, which my partner will agree with the strategies given by the psych for the boys, but never implements any of it.


I had a really embarrassing appt with their psychotherapist last week where I actually couldn't keep track of everything I was trying to tell her; about the boys behaviours but also how impossible it is for me to implement anything she says because I have zero support from my partner or her ex.


My wife has admitted if we hadn't met,.both kids would still be somewhat non-verbal, they'd be gaming 12 hours a day and living off lollies and soft drink.


I want better for them, because I love them. They need boundaries, reliability and consistency. I am beating myself trying to get my wife to maintain this, and after 7 years I've realised that won't change. [edited by moderator]


Everyone keeps telling me "choose your battles" which I get, but.... That means I need to do all the things. Like collect up empty packages on the floor or in cupboards. Clean up spills they leave. Find their manky, dirty clothes. Pick up wrappers my partner leaves in my garden. Do all of their washing and sorting. Clean the bathroom, make all their meals.

I mean do I not cook for them, send them to school in dirty clothes, let their teeth rot, let them learn zero life skills or take any responsibility for their actions?


And what am I meant to do about my own kids, who do as well as any kids their age would, but definitely see the difference in what they do vs what their step brothers do. It's really unbalanced and unfair.


We went out for dinner tonight for the first time in years, and while it was nice to not cook for 6 (which is always 2-3 variations as my autistic step kids don't eat a lot of foods) I came home to realise the chores weren't done, there were THREE empty bread bags in the bread bin/on the bench, and water all over the floor. 


I can't stop crying. I'm just so done. I love my partner and step kids, but I can't see how I can continue like this. However, I also can't afford to leave; we have nowhere to go, no way to afford to live on my salary in this climate, and I don't actually want to leave. I just want a partner who can contribute to life in ways other than finance.


I don't believe she's purposefully doing any of this, but also, she won't put reminders in her diary to at least do dishes twice a day.... Like what am I meant to do when she can't even manage that?


Re: Super complex partner is basically useless

wish I could say something to help @JustWhelmed 


I am still suffering from a marriage I went into 


I had CSA but also do the inside and outside work in the house.

it’s tricky when values and life don’t really align in a relationship 


hoping that by writing about it you get more clarity 

Re: Super complex partner is basically useless

Dear @JustWhelmed 


I'm definately mindful of what @Appleblossom writes 

However ..    ...I couldn't do it. It was too tough to be in a marriage similar to yours. 


I'm wondering if you are able to cut down your work or make a timetable up where you can find some time - one hour a day just for you ?


If you want to, it's up to you, this guided  meditation helped me out.


About 8 years ago, with Sane forums guidance, my ex-husband and I were seeing a fantastic Psychotherapist through Relationships Australia and after a year I saw her alone and just asked - 

She commented that he will suffocate me. I almost collapsed. I love him. 

Five years later, I am about to remarry. My ex-husband is in my life. My partner and I are his ( unpaid ) next of kin and supportive friends. 

Although I'm not going to bore you with my stories of homelessness, of the financial and emotional struggles, I recognised that we are the most important 


dating dillema @Glisten @Shaz51 

@tyme @PizzaMondo 


Re: Super complex partner is basically useless

In Australia we have NDIS funding for people with disabilities. If your family can get support like that you will be able to get a cleaner.

Re: Super complex partner is basically useless

Hi @JustWhelmed,

Thank you for sharing what sounds like a very difficult situation, I can see how many worries you have on your plate and the effect it's having on you and your relationship.

As lovely as the support you are providing them all with, it doesn't sounds like it is sustainable the way you are going — you already sound like you're on the verge of burnout.

I think the advice given by @PeppyPatti is really good, trying to prioritise some time each day (or every other day to start with) for your own self-care and wellbeing. Which I understand is easier said than done, but it is oh so important for you to have time to breathe.

And what @Opal_snowy mentioned is also a really good idea, are any of the children eligible for NDIS? As a cleaner coming to help a couple of times a week sounds like it would be a big help to you and your family.

I'm not sure if Wesley Domestic Assistance may be able to help either, but worth enquiring about it if you have an office nearby?

I hope that things improve for you soon.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Re: Super complex partner is basically useless

So useless is a big word ..I’m going to try come at this from a place of compassion.. I’d hate it if my partner called me that and I suspect my ex actully thinks I am (‘I probs have cpsd and I do find it hard to function in “‘the real world” still I know there are some things I can do and systems I can put in place to make a house run or be a nice place to live in.. 


is it possible to sit down and talk about how you feel your overfunctioning ? (‘also have a look at that…that’s some wild rabbit hole) is it possible to let some things fail so your parent has to pick up the slack? Just sometimes not the big stuff


its ok to cry! ‘but it sounds like you need more support than you have and it’s a real struggle .. you don’t want to leave but things have to change. Even if it’s little changes that make you feel valued and less overwelmed..


we all get overwelmed 🖤



Re: Super complex partner is basically useless

@hotmess I love what you wrote. 

" We all get overwhelmed."


Is that the same @hotmess - do you mean " we all get vulnerable " 

Or am I going on a tangent ?

Re: Super complex partner is basically useless

both realisticly.. i certanly get overwhelmed.. all the time.! sometimes i get vulnerable but im choosing more carefully now who i get vulnerable with..

Re: Super complex partner is basically useless

Thanks to everyone for your comments and support.


I do spend some time each day in my garden, which is amazing and my partner has facilitated many upgrades of gardening tools etc as they know I love it


We have a cleaner once a fortnight, however it's a biiig drive to get everyone to tidy so she can clean (I think y'all underestimate how chaotic messy our house gets lol) but it does help.


We have engaged a counselor together, and it seems that realistically, yes I need to let things go. I've given up trying to get my step sons to do chores, shower etc; it my partner remembers, great, but I'm working on just letting that go.


Today I mentioned engaging a handyman some time to do a bunch of tasks my partner has either half completed (like 6-12 months or more in some cases) and it turned into a giant argument about how they thought I was ok with living in a half renovated house (yes I am but not forever!) and basically a giant spiral of an argument. it felt very gas lighty to be honest; I should have said the things I want done were stressing me out (it's all either fixing things or making processes for cleaning and tidying easier) rather than just asking 10 times.... 


I've never known them  to gaslight me before so that's not amazing.


Anyway I am working on the letting things go, I know their mental health is tense right now due to starting a new job, but it feels like blame  for lots of things being thrown at me which is also new.


I absolutely can't afford to move out, my income would barely cover rent let alone food, bills, insurance that I need to cover my medical needs. I don't want to leave really, but a break would be good I think. Sigh.



Re: Super complex partner is basically useless

Thanks for sharing @JustWhelmed ,


I hear there's a lot happening for you right now. You are not alone... getting children to do chores? That's a universal challenge 🙂


I really hope things improve for you.


It's good to hear you have a few supports including your counsellor, cleaner, handyman etc.