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Re: A long rave

Yes, lisajane is here on the checking in thread, for any who are concerned about her.

Hoping everyone is having a settled evening.


Hugs @greenpea, thinking especially of you ..... โค๏ธ

Re: A long rave

I'm in alien land @outlander not fitting anywhere.

Re: A long rave

Awwww @Maggie ...... so sorry to hear you are feeling that way ..... ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’•

Re: A long rave

Aww hugs @Maggie you fir in here though even if you dont feel like it โฃ

Re: A long rave



A mother's lament for her son

I know my son must go and forge his own path

No longer needing his mother he must make his own way through life's twists and turns

Without his mother

He has found his new life overseas without his mother and she must stand back and let him breathe and be the man he must be

And she must make her own way alone and strong with the knowledge that she is doing the right thing to help him be the man that he will be.


Re: A long rave

Hearing you loud and clear @greenpea .....

Mega hugs ..... ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐ŸŒท

Re: A long rave

Back at home again. Better able to respond. 

@Appleblossom, thanks for the heads up, glad to see lj is still with us.

@greenpea, sorry isn't needed at all, but it's good to know how you are. Your lament is beautiful. Take it easy, my friend, sending love. 

@Maggie, good to see you. Glad you are dropping in even when hibernating. 

@outlander, how are you tonight? Hope it's one of the better ones for you. 

@Faith-and-Hope I've felt you here over the course of the day via 'likes'. Nice feeling you around, whether chatty or listening.

@eth, wondering what you are up to tonight. Maybe watching a show or reading.

Will be on and off tonight, around for chat if that happens.

Re: A long rave



Re: A long rave

Thanks @Mazarita .... I have virtually had the day to myself with S2 sleeping all day and the others in the west.  Itโ€™s been nice to sit here for a while, and lovely to feel so appreciated ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’•

Re: A long rave

Great to hear you've had some time to yourself, @Faith-and-Hope. I imagine that would be a fairly rare experience for you at home. Have you been walking and going to cafes lately? I bet it's freezing where you are.