24-11-2018 11:04 AM
24-11-2018 11:04 AM
It's going to be a big day tomorrow for you then @Mazarita I can understand you wanting to conserve your energy for that. I hope you can cope with the amount of people okay
It is good that you got out and saw your friend last night - and have had some sleep - I know that is not always easy for you. I am thinking of sleeping again soon - the sooner this day is over the sooner I get closer to having another day at work completed.
This week will be a half day on Monday and then a full day on Friday - that will be on a new class that I will observe on Monday - all a bit too much really but it is what I need to do to get through this.
24-11-2018 11:09 AM
24-11-2018 11:09 AM
Hope you can be as gentle on yourself as possible during this time, @Zoe7, and keep a focus on self-care. I tend to blame myself for any perceived problems that arise with me. I'm slowly learning to let go of this and be kinder to myself overall. Still a challenge on a deeper level, but getting there, and age is helping.
Yes, the event tomorrow is me challenging myself to do more of the things that are in my field of creative interest, develop new friendships further, and hopefully more resilience if possible in the face of my lifelong social anxieties. Slowly stretching the envelopes of my emotional capacities, as I have been doing in very gradual steps for some years now since a very low point for quite some time back then.
24-11-2018 11:16 AM
24-11-2018 11:16 AM
It is those baby steps that help you break out of previous patterns @Mazarita I know how hard they can be though also so well done for giving it a go. I hope it is not too stressful for you and you get something out of it. Those connections are something that I don't have much of myself - there have been a couple I have made through DBT but aside from those and here on the forum I still am pretty much alone ...that is ok though as it is safer for me that way.
24-11-2018 11:22 AM
24-11-2018 11:22 AM
I was living almost entirely in my own space those years ago, @Zoe7, barely leaving the flat at all. Things have improved a fair bit through the slow efforts I've made over these past few years but I still have weeks like this past one where I am unable to move myself outwards. I think this week has been recovery from efforts last weekend, when we went to that same town for a little video shoot with our friend there. I haven't done actual live shooting of video for a very long time, so it was a big challenge that way too. Not that happy with the footage really, but trying to make something of it anyway. At least it was a start in a new direction, and can improve on things from here hopefully.
We have to take these things at our own pace though. Hearing you about feeling a need for safety. Read an article recently about how important comfort zones actually are. It was challenging the endless advice peddled about forcing ourself to move past these things in a big way. Made a lot of sense to me. The trick seems to be finding a good balance between safety zones and extending the boundaries as we are able to.
24-11-2018 11:28 AM
24-11-2018 11:28 AM
I get annoyed when people talk about us moving out of our comfort zones to be more social @Mazarita - not everyone is made that way - it takes so many differences to make up this world and if everyone was exactly the same it would be a boring place. I like being at home with my fur babies - others like being out and about all the time - difference is important.
I am going to have a rest now myself - needing to sleep some of this away today still and getting very tired again. Will catch up with you later - thanks for the chat
24-11-2018 11:30 AM
24-11-2018 11:30 AM
Thanks for the chat this morning too, @Zoe7. Good to catch up in more depth with you. I'm going to head back for a sleep too. Hope our dreams treat us kindly.
24-11-2018 04:10 PM
24-11-2018 04:10 PM
Hello Everyone 🙂
I've got a bit more of the power & water saga story to tell. Yesterday my main solar system went flat, I put it down to it being overcast the past couple of days - though I didn't really remember it being that bad. I'd used the 2nd system the night before so it needed time to recover - figured I just had to do something that didn't require power. I ended up cleaning out another kitchen cupboard - that's 4 now! I also did a rubbish run & filled my fuel container while I was out, as I decided I'd use the generator that night to give both solar systems a break. So that's what I did, there was still enough power in the mains batteries to run the pump when I needed water & the lights I use now aren't connected to the solar batteries in any way, I use these cute little recharable batteries - about the size of 2 packets of ciggerettes, & I charge them on my portable solar panel. I was towards the end of watching a show when all of sudden my brain kicked in, I remembered noticing, when the solar systems fuse blew, that the main systems control display was not lit up properly. I was suddenly worried that meant the power from the panels was not being regulated, there was nothing to stop them from over-charging & that could be dangerous. It was night time so I didn't feel there was any immediate threat, I finished watching the show - but my brain was still swirling. By the end of the show I realized that when I disconnected the old 12v system, I disconnected the solar panels from the batteries! They weren't about to over-charge & blow up - they weren't charging at all !!! Somewhere between 9 & 10 o'clock last night, I stripped some of the mass of wires from the old 12v system & made a direct connection from the solar controller to the batteries - the display lit up again & the batteries were down to 39% They're back to 100% now, though I know that'll drop when the sun goes down & I may use the 2nd system tonight; goes to show the main systems batteries are still pretty good though, as I don't think they've received a charge since my water system broke in the first place. Speaking of water, while I was running around outside hooking the controller back up I realized the grey water pump is now disconnected & I'll have to make a lead up for it. But I'm getting there, the stuff I'm doing now - I've done them myself so I understand, that means when these thing eventually break down again, I have half a hope of fixing them.
Beaming down an ocean of love to you Mazy @Mazarita
Feeling for what your going through @Zoe7 Having your Mother working at the same school you are, I think would be very awkward & add to the stress of starting a new job.
Your bread sounds absolutely delicious @eth, with the added bonus of being nutritious as well 🙂
Love to all that need or want it
@Appleblossom @greenpea @outlander @Teej @Shaz51 @Faith-and-Hope
24-11-2018 04:21 PM
24-11-2018 04:21 PM
It sounds like you are on top of the issues with your power now @Exoplanet and it is so great that you are doing it all yourslf and know what the issues are. Sometimes we forget the smaller things when the larger things happen too so glad it was a small thing that could be fixed easily.
I am not starting a new job but being introduced back into an old one that I have been away from for 2 years with my illness. My mother being at the same place just adds to the pressure as she has no idea what I have been dealing with. I fear that it is all going to come out and that is not something I want or need to happen - so much fear and anxiety around that and now the added pressures of the principal not being helpful either - it is all too much for me right now
25-11-2018 07:42 AM
25-11-2018 07:42 AM
Morning @Exoplanet@Mazarita@Zoe7@Appleblossom@eth@CheerBear@Faith-and-Hope@PeppiPatty @greenpea
Hoping todays a good one for you. Any plans at all?
Im just heading out for volunteering then donating share the dignity handbags and then waiting around for pops chrisco to come.
25-11-2018 07:45 AM
25-11-2018 07:45 AM
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