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Re: Taking the plunge

@CheerBear wrote:
Hi @NatureLover ❤ Hope you're doing OK or better.

Thanks, @CheerBear , yes, I'm doing OK thanks. Good luck to you for the supermarket's a real matter of psyching yourself up to go, isn't it! And I hope your missing parcel turns up very soon...


@Maggie  thinking of you today with what is obviously a very difficult physio appointment, and a headache afterwards. 😞 Sending wishes for pain relief and strength...

Re: Taking the plunge

Hi @CheerBear @Maggie @Emelia8 @Appleblossom @NatureLover @greenpea  hope today is going gently for you all, as it is here so far.  Hoping I'll be able to catch up with you all soon, but have limited time and energy again this morning.  Plus chores to catch up on.  Take care and stay kind everyone xx

Re: Taking the plunge

Just quickly dropping by to update on my psych appointment. We resolved some stuff and it was a bit of a relief (especially compared to our last one where I got too emotional and ended up doing something not-good in front of him). I'm going to continue with both him and counsellor for now.

Re: Taking the plunge

Morning everyone 🙂 Kettle is on

@Maggie how was the appointment? I've been thinking of you lots.

@TheVorticon really glad to hear. Do both have different therapeutic approaches? Out of curiosity, that's all.

Morning @Emelia8, @eth, @NatureLover and all ♥️

Re: Taking the plunge

@CheerBear  Another very early one for you. I hope that doesn’t mean you had a rough night.


Yesterday @CheerBear  OMG. Here’s a rundown. Physio has changed my exercise regime. The pain I was experiencing wasn’t good, ( that was a relief) I was expecting...push on. 


I arrived home and was eating a sandwich, and Mr Christian arrived. So, a cup of tea and a chat. Then I sat to watch a bit of tv, and the lady who was meant to pick up her stone last week, asked if she could come and do that. Well, she bought 6...yes 6. I had a mini fundraiser. Lol  But geeez, I was peopled out. How people do people every day is beyond me.


Councellor today, and some tricky stuff there.


Did you get any sewing done yesterday. .? Hoe about the supermarket ? M&M s ?


How is today looking ?

Re: Taking the plunge

@TheVorticon  That sounds positive. It sounded like your psych actually heard you, which I think is a really good thing. Hearing people isn’t as easy as it sounds, something I’ve learnt. 


I really hope this is a move in the right direction. Leaving a bubbler tea, a yellow one.🎉🎉

Re: Taking the plunge

@NatureLover  Thankyou for your kind wishes. It’s over for three weeks and was ok.


I hope you are doing ok. I haven’t really caught up with your news, but hope you are doing ok enough.


Its always lovely to see you drop by, sending 💙💙💙 

Re: Taking the plunge

@Emelia8  I don’t think I have responded since you were going to the dentist. I hope that went ok. Also your Dr yesterday. That’s this weeks appointments done, at least I hope so.


How is today looking. DP  ?💙💙


Leaving the kettle boiling for a hot cup of tea when you are up and about.

Re: Taking the plunge

@eth  Thankyou. It’s always good to see you when you can.


I know you have a lot of stuff going on at the moment. I will catch up on your thread later. I hope there is some good in today. 💕💕


@Appleblossom  Thankyou. Sending a very big hug your way. Take care dear lady. 💕💕


@greenpea  Sending 💚💚💚

Re: Taking the plunge

Oh @Maggie that sounds very busy, and very people-y. Six stones! I have the biggest smile 😁 How did it feel to sell them? Also really glad to hear you are enjoying Mr Christian's company by the sound of it.

Hugs for the tricky with counsellor.

I did click and collect so I'll pick that up this morning. I can't do supermarket in person. Not even going to try. I also made some more squares. I have about 15 now so just over half way. It's colourful, that's for sure 😉 Middle had a really tough day, so that took some support and tlc towards them.

Today looks OK. I have psych, picking up groceries, and working out some tech for Middle as their iPad died (after their tough day so that was a tipping point). Without a device there is no school, no friends, no connection, a big chunk of entertainment gone for them etc so it has to be sorted quickly. Fun times 😏

I imagine a quiet day around counsellor is the plan for you for today?

Hi @Emelia8. You are up very early. Big hugs and tea your way.
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