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Swamped in Paper!

Hello Everyone 


I am new to ARAFMI and have only discovered such a great organisation only now on my journey which I guess has been my whole life however the last two years have turned life into "surviving". Diagnosed with Complex PTSD I won't go into details exactly but I had surpressed bad childhood memories which caught up with me later in life which intially was only anxiety and insomnia. Now I find myself in the thick of every possible thing associated with this condition. Its exhausting! My counselor diagnosed me with Textbook Complex PTSD although I had never even looked it up anywhere. Its fair to say I was living in denial. 


After many years in sales and stressful jobs I find myself struggling just to get a basic list of to do written and completed (I have learnt that this is ok and not to be harsh on myself).  I have been lucky enough to have had income protection up until May this year but with it ending I am trying to organise what to do. The reason I write on here is I have made my first contact and (its with great relief because they were amazing) regarding NDIS but the multitude of paperwork and ongoing organising for different forms and applications my monthly insurance ones, Disabiltiy Pension & NDIS is crazy and totally exhausting not to mention dealing with Financial Situations like Debts and Child Support. 


I have heard that I can possibly access TPD through my supers is there anyone with experience in this as I am starting to really freak/stress/get overwhelmed by the thought of surving off DSP alone. I do not know where to start or if I have the energy but I have to. 


Does that make sense? I am so tired of being tired and when I have energy I have to do these things and it doesn't leave any time for self care, food prep, groceries etc It just feels like one battle after the other. 

Not applicable

Re: Swamped in Paper!

Hey @Soulman


Welcome to the forums, and thank you for sharing your story. 


I am one of the moderators at SANE and just thought that i would let you know about a new service around NDIS support, they are called Ready Steady NDIS. They provide support on a number of things related to the NDIS system, it may be worth giving them a call and asking about the amount of paperwork you need to go through. You can find there website here, and there number is 1800 314 325. 


It is very brave of you to be sharing your experiences so we thank you for this, and i hope you find the forums useful. 

All the best, 


Re: Swamped in Paper!

Thank you for your reply.


I am lucky to have come across someone in this organisation who is going to assist with NDIS so that is one less stress for me. Its just all the other stuff in my life that I have to try and work through without the energy focus and memory required. Its so exhausting and I cant have more then one coffee otherwise I get more stressesd and anxious! 

Re: Swamped in Paper!

hi @Soulman 

I am not swamped in paper but understand the feelings of being exhausted and overwhelmed with cptsd symptoms.


Firstly, I think you are fortunate to have a therapist who acknowledges that CPTSD is a condition. I just about went mad trying to convince more than one counsellor that I had CPTSD and they had never heard of it. Secondly, I am so grateful for my psychiatrist and the meds he prescribed. I tried so much talking therapy but it turns out, and every individual is different, that I really benefit from meds. After 7 years of mental hell, unemployment and low functioning anguish, I am finally able to apply for work.


Welcome to the forum. I hope you will find like-minded, supportive folk here as I have. Do you have kids? What is your current mental health support - are you seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist & do you have goals or self-care methods on the go?


Look forward to hearing from you, you're doing just great! BryanaCamp 

Re: Swamped in Paper!

Hi @BryanaCamp 


Thankyou for the warm welcome, i must admit I don't feel so isolated now especially when you read of others symptoms because I often get so frustrated that I cannot explain the fatigue, the brain fog, the headaches. 


Many years ago I was very lucky to have been put in touch with a local mens group which was run by a counselor. At the time I was seeking more depth to conversation and life. The group and him are amazing.I am not sure if i can mention the organisation or not but its specific to mens health and not many have heard of it. However I originally only saw the counselor for mild anxiety (at the time) and sleeping issues over time both of those things became worse along with depression kicking in. Then 3 years ago I started having nightmares and flashbacks, I had just become a Dad for the first time I was 6 months into a new (high stressed job) plus a few other family isssues and it all became too much. 

I was lucky to have an understanding boss who told me to take some time off because he was there when I had a full (no idea what its called) visual swap. My mind (due to high anxiety)  replaced him sitting in the car with my abuser while driving down the highway. It is fair to say he got it!  This then led to income protection although better then nothing it helped get through. My wife left when she found out the Diagnosis with our child just to add to the challenges of day to day life after I came out of hospital. 


I have both a Psychologist (on mental health plan so only the nominal visits as I cant afford more) and a Psychiartrist. 

My goals now:

Survive each day and live for the next. (hence the sunset in my profile) 

To see my daughter more

To seek a more fullfiling life and Peace

To go fishing more

In the words from the movie "Knights Tale" to change my stars even a thatcher can change his stars ( My interpretation: The stars are surrounded by darkness yet they still shine no matter the past) 


My self care when I have the energy is Fishing, Learning woodwork (self taught youtuber 🙂 ) and my garden. I would love to do more things like fishing and bushwalking or get away but its just not financially doable. I struggle to find the balance with energy for self care and other important things like exercise, cleaning, eating and grocery shopping and at the moment PAPERWORK AND FORMS!! I find i generally have half a days energy then I "need" to sleep which is frustrating.


Anyway I have rambled enough I think. I am glad to be part of this forum. 





Re: Swamped in Paper!

Hi @Soulman 

just wanted to say hi. 

I can relate to parts of your story. I had childhood memories of trauma repressed fir over 40 yrs. when it all came out I was in shock to say the least. 

I too was just surviving. Now diagnosed with other mental illnesses as a result. 

Its tough for get it. 

It’s grest you have contacted NDIS. I don’t think my doctor or psych would sign off fir me to get assistance. I don’t kniw much about it. 

Hope your day is ok. 


Re: Swamped in Paper!

hi @Soulman , your goals sound great. Good on you. how old is your daughter now? I don't have kids but love being an aunt.


Sounds like you have a really positive attitude to daily life and improving your well being. That's awesome. I always take things one day at a time.


I totally understand the energy and stamina limitations. I only get about half a day of productivity and then I'm cactus. I often struggle just to get through my daily chores of cooking & cleaning and grocery shopping, I don't really have the energy left to do the vacuuming and bathroom cleaning. I've been employed for 7 years due to mental illness and have just recently started to apply for work now that I'm on good meds. I volunteer which helps with my isolation and it's good for the resume.


You might like this thread Daily goals and motivation. I like to have somewhere to write down my daily achievements, even if I've only managed to shower and get dressed.


I love  bush walking too. My goal is to go for a hike today as I've had other priorities this week and need some serious exercise. The weather looks mild so it should be a good day! Your fishing and outdoors interest reminds me of someone else on the forum @eudemonism - I believe you two may just have something in common?


Hope you're having a good day today Soulman, let us know how you're going when you can Smiley Happy

Re: Swamped in Paper!

Whos that @BryanaCamp ?

Re: Swamped in Paper!

@BryanaCamp My daughter will be three this year. I only see her two days a week. I am not allowed over nights and no 50 50 share as my condition is held against me. I also pay a unaffordeable amount is child support which is crippling in itself. This also limits my ability to do the self care things I love like fishing as affording petrol and tolls is near impossible. Combine that with the lethargy and anxiety no chance. 

Re: Swamped in Paper!

@eudemonism what kind of fishing do you enjoy?

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